{{schedulerCtrl.enrollmentEvent.start_date | verboseDateWithTimezone: schedulerCtrl.calendar_data.timezone}}
All in-person class spots must be booked in advance. If you schedule an in-person session and later decide to attend online instead, you must notify us at least 24 hours in advance so we can ensure you get the Zoom link for class. We can not guarantee you will get the Zoom link if you do not notify us ahead of time.
Would you like to add additional sessions in this time slot?
Based on your available hours, you may optionally schedule up to {{schedulerCtrl.remainingSessions}} additional sessions.
Enrolling in session...
You may use the links below to purchase more hours:
If you already have an account, Sign In to enroll in sessions.
If you don't have an account yet, you may use the links below to sign up: